Reseller Agent's Photo1
Position title
University I20 Corporation's Reseller Agent for all over the world?

University I20 is looking for "Reseller Agents" from all countries all around the world?




  1. To start your business under our name.
  2. Finding students applicants,whom they're looking to study in USA?
  3. To be affiliated with us, the fees one time paid is $1,500.



  1. Fluent in English language.
  2. Have a resume or CV ready?
  3. Managerial Skills.
  4. Understanding Education Business?
  5. Ambitious to earn money as much as much you can?
  6. Enthusiastic to achieve the Education Business Goals?
  7. Welling to have time to take care of this kind of business?
  8. You can work form your home or office?
  9. We give you the necessary and required training remotely?



Job Benefits

The return of revenues of this "Shoestring Budget of Investment"; will be very high at least %65?


Engineer Khattab Omar Abuisbae

President& CEO

University I20 Corporation

USA Cellular/Land Line Phone#: +(424) 777-2201

Jordan Mobiles Phones Numbers:

+(962) 79-6812-9201

+(962) 77-830-3512

Job Location
Date posted
February 14, 2020
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Position: University I20 Corporation's Reseller Agent for all over the world?

Thank you for submitting your application. We will contact you shortly!